Installing Prerequisite Python Packages

If you are running these notebooks on Binder, then there is no need to run this notebook. However, if you running these notebook on your own computer or on a different service, then the necessary Python packages may not be installed.

By executing (Shift-Enter) the code cells below, you will instruct pip (a Python package manager) to install the necessary packages.

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# Basic packages for doing data analysis
!pip install numpy matplotlib pandas
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# Libraries necessary for accessing Yahoo Finance
!pip install yahoo_fin requests_html
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# A Python package for interfacing with Twitter's API
!pip install twitter
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# Make nicer text-based tables
!pip install prettytable
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# The Natural Language Toolkit
!pip install nltk
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# For parsing HTML
!pip install beautifulsoup4
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# For accessing and parsing RSS feeds
!pip install feedparser
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# Small, fast HTTP client
!pip install httplib2
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# A prerequisite for dragnet
!pip install cython
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# Using machine learning for distinguishing main webpage content from boilerplate
!pip install dragnet
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# The premier machine learning library for Python
!pip install scikit-learn